IMPORTANT: Updated Materials for 2020

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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
We have received a lot of emails and forum posts asking about materials that are not in the study planner. Our publishing process remains the same as in previous years. Since the November exam was just administered, there will be a period of time that you will see a number of gaps in the study planner, as we begin to prepare for 2020. We will begin to publish new materials after GARP has released the 2020 curriculum, and we will continue to update the materials throughout the exam period.

We ask that you please refrain from sending emails or posting in the forum to ask why a specific set of materials is not in the study planner or when it will be published. We do our best to get the materials published in a timely manner so you will have plenty of time to study for the May or November 2020 exams.

Thank you.
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