FRM Part 2 vs Part 1

Mark W

Active Member

Just a quick question as I can't seem to see any other thread that deals with this (but I'm sure it's addressed somewhere) and it's getting about the time when I'm starting to put a plan together for part 2, having done part 1 in Nov 12.

I'm basically trying to get a gauge on the overall workload vs part 1 but any other input/insight on the main differences would be appreciated from those who have passed both parts.




Well-Known Member
Hi there,
FRm part I is quite the same in terms of difficulty , i do not see any major differences besides the topics you have to study. While the part I is more oriented towards covering basic tools and techniques to apply to the risk management framework the part II deals with covering major risk topics like credit risk, market risk, operational risk and investment risk. You need almost about same time if not less but you do need to give your good effort. I mean you should be prepared to study four specialized risks and at the same time it different than part i where you need to cover general topics so that the focus shifts from many diverse topics study to studying just 4 risks in particular. I mean i end up preparing about the same time for both the parts but in the end what matters is how well you have studied the topics covered.

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Mark W

Active Member

Thanks for the response. At a cursory glance, there seems to be a fair amount of repeated material between P1 and P2 and less calculation. There are also less BT questions (in the PDFs) for P2 than P1.

That said, Credit and Op Risk are all new to me so I guess they will take a bit of time.



Well-Known Member
Hi there,
yeah operational risk has lot to read e.g. basel readings and sort. credit risk is also a demanding topic. In all its upto you to see that you cover these topics well. i dont see major differences between both the parts in terms of math involved and may be in part II its on a little bit on higher side but overall they have same level. but yeah there are some demanding readings like basel readings, credit ratings, dealer banks etc. in all you should see god number of size-able readings which you need to digest as compared to part I.
hope it helps in ur prep towards part ii