Confused on the different types of capital and calculations methods

Steve Jobs

Active Member
Hi, I made a list of all practice questions related to calculating required capital for credit/market/operation risks and also economic capital and regulatory capital.


I'm confused regarding the difference between these capitals and whether the methods used in calculating each type of risk are similar. I appreciate your advise for the below questions:

1. The standardized approach in calculating credit risk is the same standardized approach for calculating regulatory capital or operational risk?
-For instance, according to this page, it seems that they are different:

2. If the question is asking to calculate capital, does it matter to know whether this capital is for credit/operational/market/regulatory? OR the important thing is to note which method is required, whether it's standardized approach or IRB or ...?

3. How come in Operational Book/Topic Area, it's asking to calculate for credit or market?

4. Is economic capital the same as regulatory capital?