Career Guide


I don't know what do you mean by "good" but I'll give my comments although I'm not an actuary (but interested in being one).

FRM is far easier than many actuary exams in the world (e.g. ASA/FSA of the Society of Actuary in the US).
So if you're an actuarial student, FRM might be a little bit too elementary for you to go for. If you're going to take the ASA exam, FRM can help strengthening your knowledge fundamentals but it's not a necessity. After all, ASA covers far more things than FRM in any dimention (and more useful a qualification it is).

FYI, the ASA exam contains 10 tasks a candidate gotta pass for: 5 paper exams, 3 educational background verification requirements, and 2 compulsory courses.
For the 3 edu-verifications, one of it is regarding applied statistics. It further splits into 2 parts - (a) regression (b) time series analysis. An FRM Part 1 holder can waive for the regression part. So an ASA candidate who already held FRM Part 1 need not take any courses/educational requirements about the regression part. So it could perhaps be one of the reason of earning the FRM part 1 for you as an actuary student who might wish to take the ASA exam.