FAQ Exam Alternative exam date


New Member
Does anyone else who is taking the exam on the alternative date see Oct 2 on their admission ticket? I received a signed letter confirming my alternative date but I'm wondering if i should be concerned with the discrepancy between the two documents.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Does anyone else who is taking the exam on the alternative date see Oct 2 on their admission ticket? I received a signed letter confirming my alternative date but I'm wondering if i should be concerned with the discrepancy between the two documents.
Hello @vincityhn1

While others in the forum may have an answer for you, I would recommend that you contact GARP directly at [email protected]. This will ensure that you receive an accurate answer so you don't have to worry about it leading up to exam day (you don't want to add to the stress of exam day ;)). If you do not receive a timely response from GARP, we are happy to help. Please let me know if you do not receive a response from them. If you do, it would help others if you post their response here.

Thank you,
