
  1. John Le

    KRI vs Risk Limit/ Appetite

    Dear David @David Harper CFA FRM and who may concern ! i am interested in KRIs _ Key Risk Indicators ! it is quite controversal (in my thoughts). For me, understading KRI has 2 parts :(i) Key risks and (ii) Indicators, so before we have any INDICATOR, we must know / or predict Potential "...
  2. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T7.23.2. Risk governance and 3LoD

    Learning objectives: Explain the Basel regulatory expectations for the governance of an operational risk management framework. Describe and compare the roles of different committees and the board of directors in operational risk governance. Describe the “three lines of defense” model for...
  3. Nicole Seaman

    P1.T1.20.6. Risk management governance: limits, functional units, and audit

    Learning objectives: Evaluate the relationship between a firm’s risk appetite and its business strategy, including the role of incentives. Illustrate the interdependence of functional units within a firm as it relates to risk management. Assess the role and responsibilities of a firm’s audit...
  4. Nicole Seaman

    P1.T1.20.4. Risk appetite and hedging (Chapter 2)

    Learning objectives: Compare different strategies a firm can use to manage its risk exposures and explain situations in which a firm would want to use each strategy. Explain the relationship between risk appetite and a firm’s risk management decisions. Evaluate some advantages and disadvantages...