
  1. P

    Miller chapter 3

    How will we solve the same by problem by using 70 and 30 percent probability sum by taking probailiy 70 and 30
  2. S


    Hi David, Apologies if this question is non-sensible or has been asked already (please tag a link if this question has been asked) but I just started preparing for an exam and I have one question so I know what to expect when I am learning it. Integration and calculus sort of questions as far as...
  3. Nicole Seaman

    YouTube T2-9c Bayes Theorem, Three-state variable

    This explores the answer to Miller's sample question in Chapter 6 of Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Risk Management. There are three types of managers: Out-performers (MO), in-line performers (MI) and under-performers (MU). The prior probability that a manager is an outperformer is...
  4. V

    R13-P1-T2- Miller Page 35 Question- Calculating Covariance & Correlation

    Can someone explain how mean & variance have been calculated in this example?
  5. Q

    Probability matrix

    Hello, i have the following question: 1. The joint probability for two independent events is defined as: P(A and B)=P(A)xP(B) 2. Why is not P(High=20%)xP(Increase=40%)=P(Increase and High=10%). Or should it be and only the example is wrong? Can anybody explain it please? I wish all...
  6. David Harper CFA FRM

    Coskew and Cokurtosis in Miller Chapter 3 (P1 FRM)

    In analyzing Miller's spreadsheet, I realized his book displays the formulas for co-skew and co-kurtosis incorrectly. There is a thematic confusion between the (unstandardized) cross-central moments versus "skew" and "kurtosis" which are standardized: 3.42 and 3.47 forget to divide by N, so they...