
  1. Nicole Seaman

    P1.T3.22.19 Value of a forward contract

    Learning objectives: Distinguish between the forward price and the value of a forward contract. Calculate the value of a forward contract on a financial asset that does or does not provide income or yield. Explain the relationship between forward and futures prices. Calculate the value of a...
  2. Nicole Seaman

    P1.T3.717. Foreign exchange (FX) forwards and more cost of carry theory (Hull Chapter 5)

    Learning objectives: Calculate a forward foreign exchange rate using the interest rate parity relationship. Define income, storage costs, and convenience yield. Calculate the futures price on commodities incorporating income/storage costs and/or convenience yields. Questions: 717.1. Near the...
  3. WhizzKidd

    Forward and Futures Market (lease rate)

    Hi David, With regard to gold futures, why do they have an increasing futures curve (contango)? When we have a positive lease rate, because would the +delta not decrease the forward price... So*exp((r-delta)T)? I am struggling to understand why the curve is upward sloping (I am a bit confused...