
  1. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T7.603. Operational risk profiles and organizational designs (Cruz, Peters and Shevchenko)

    Learning objectives: Compare the typical operational risk profiles of firms in different financial sectors. Compare different organizational designs for a risk management framework. Questions 603.1. General Financial Services is a large, international firm with several business units. The...
  2. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T7.602. Risk control self assessment (RCSA), key risk indicators (KRIs) and scenario analysis

    Learning outcomes: Explain the use of a Risk Control Self Assessment (RCSA) and key risk indicators (KRI’s) in identifying, controlling, and assessing operational risk exposures. Describe and assess the use of scenario analysis in managing operational risk, and identify biases and challenges...
  3. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T7.601. Operational loss data: recoveries and thresholds (Cruz, Peters and Shevchenko)

    Learning objectives: Summarize the process of collecting and reporting internal operational loss data, including the selection of thresholds, the timeframe for recoveries, and reporting expected operational losses. Questions: 601.1. Which of the following is TRUE about the selection of...
  4. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T7.600. Operational risk event risk categories (Cruz, Peters and Shevchenko)

    Learning outcome: Describe the seven Basel II event risk categories and identify examples of operational risk events in each category. Please note that the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) is proposing a single, simplified method for the estimation of operational risk capital called the...