
  1. T

    FRM 1 - Chapter 1 - Book 2 (Quantitative Analysis)

    Hi all, will we be expected to answer many state Bayesian problems in the FRM part 1 exam? Example: Suppose 3 types of managers: underperformers beat mkt 25% of the time. In-line performers beat mkt 50% of the time. Outperformers beat mkt 75% of the time. Prior belief is that manager has 60%...
  2. Nicole Seaman

    CFA Level 1 CFA: Correlation, covariance and probability topics

    Session 2, Reading 9 (Part 2): This video reviews portfolio variance and covariance, where covariance is the expected cross-product. We look at correlation, which is given by the covariance divided by the product of standard deviations, and therefore standardizes the covariance into a unitless...