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  1. P

    Soft copy GARP books

    Thank you David, And in gerneral, where do i find the spreadsheets to a topic (e.g Part1.Book1Chapter 5 CAPM)? It's not here as mentioned by Nicole. Thanks! All best, Peter
  2. P

    Soft copy GARP books

    Hello @Nicole Seaman i am not sure about that. at least i cannot find the spreadsheets to FRM19 - Interest Rate Futures for the example: Explain and calculate a US T-bond futures contract conversion factor Could you please provide me an link of the study notes where i can find a link to a...
  3. P

    Soft copy GARP books

    Hello all, I didn't want to create a new thread, but is it possible to have access to a central dropbox folder, where all spreadsheets used in the study notes are available? kind regards, Peter