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    Exam Feedback May 2023 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Did someone ask why they put Mid June on the website but planned for Mid July ? Thanks
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    Course FRM Part II WhatsApp Group for May 2022

    Managed to join thanks
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    FRM Part 2 based on FRM Part I LO?

    Hey all, David, Is it possible that the FRM part II exam includes questions that actually relate to FRM part 1 Learning Ojective only? For instance, computing the delta (=N(d1)), compute the discount factor for bonds etc Thank you! Antoine
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    PLEASE READ: Publishing Process for 2023

    Hello, When will the new reading LO be available ? “Climate-related financial risks – measurement methodologies,” Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Publication, April 2021. “Principles for the effective management and supervision of climate-related financial risks,” Basel Committee on...
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    Vasicek model recombining tree

    Hi David, Thank you for all your answers. I'll go for the easiest example. I still can't understand, when considering simple model 1: dr = s.dw with s annual volatility and dw normal random variable with variance t, why for the tree the upstate is r0 + s.srqt(1/12) and downstate is r0 +...