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    Exam Feedback November 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    A big thank you to @David Harper and @Nicole Seaman for all the resources and help given. Couldn't have passed both exams on first attempt without you Bionic Turtle!
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    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, I would appreciate if you could share the formula for "time-weighted discrete default rate". I've searched the forum, notes and google but still isn't sure. Thanks in advance!
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    Option Pricing using binomial method

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , I have done a search on the forum but can't find any explanation on the following statement found in part 1 notes: binomial tree chapter summary. "This is the reason why the probability of up and down moves in the underlying does not affect the price of an option...
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    YouTube T3-08: Interest rates: compound frequencies

    Thank you @David Harper CFA FRM for the explanation and spreadsheet. You used s.a. spot rates to calculate the s.a. forward in this spreadsheet. However, in P1.T3,Chp16,Pg18: you used c.c. spot rates to calculate s.a. forward rate. I am wondering is the approach on pg18 correct. Shouldn't I...
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    YouTube T3-08: Interest rates: compound frequencies

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , I see that you used 2 different approaches to get the semi-annual forward rate. Firstly in P1.T3,Chp16,Pg18: you used the "longer method" ( the last equation in the page) to compute the semi-annual forward rate from C.C. zero rates. Secondly in P1.T3,Chp20,Pg13: you...
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    Bond prices and forward rate

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , I see that you used 2 different approaches to get the semi-annual forward rate. Firstly in P1.T3,Chp16,Pg18: you used the "longer method" ( the last equation in the page) to compute the semi-annual forward rate from C.C. zero rates. Secondly in P1.T3,Chp20,Pg13...