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  1. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Course Errors Found in 2023 Study Materials P2.T8. Liquidity and Treasury Risk

    100*[(10.0% - (1-10.0%)* 5.5%)/10.0%] give 55% not 50.55 Page number: 43 Chapter: 12
  2. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Course Errors Found in 2023 Study Materials P2.T8. Liquidity and Treasury Risk

    Hi, Couldn't find the most recent thread for this. I guess something is missing from this sentence "similarly, when the leverage is increased, if the increases the equity losses in case the asset returns are lower than the funding cost of debt" Page number: 41 Chapter: 12
  3. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Exam Feedback November 2020 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately, I didn't pass. My quartiles were 2233. I'll go again. @David Harper CFA FRM and @Nicole Seaman, you did a great job. This is also a very good platform
  4. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Exam Feedback November 2020 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    The exam was okay except that there was a digress from the expected. Off the top of my head, I could recall questions from the following topics: 1. ERM 2. Calculations on CAPM (given just the risk premium) 3. Difference between APT and CAPM 4. Ranking using treynor 5. Sharpe ratio 6. GARP code...
  5. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T4. Valuation & Risk Models (OLD thread)

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , There seem to be something off with the below calculations, this is from Chapter 10; page 9 of the study notes. The values of both the numerator and denominator are incorrect. Kindly look through. Thanks
  6. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products (OLD thread)

    Hi David, Ch20-pg7, do we mean to say that the total advantage= 0.5%?
  7. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products (OLD thread)

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM This is from T3-Ch10-Pg 11. We have nothing close to 1% or 3% in the question. Could it be an omission or am i missing something?
  8. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products (OLD thread)

    I am well too.:) I guess i didn't meet the expectation:oops:. i literally spent a while punching my calculator. It could be that i lost touch. Sadly, it's been a while i read. @David Harper CFA FRM, thanks for clarifying.
  9. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products (OLD thread)

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , Trust you are keeping safe. I found this on pg 19 of chapter 16 and it took me a while to get the answer using my calculator. Can i suggest that the denominator reads: 1+ (Rf* (T2 - T1)) instead
  10. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T4. Valuation & Risk Models (OLD thread)

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM I don't seem to get the correct answer to the first calculation using my calculator. Also the 0.875 cash flow/coupon was omitted from the solution. VRM: Topic 9; page 7 Note: Fixed and published in v3.1
  11. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T4. Valuation & Risk Models (OLD thread)

    Also on page 9 of Topic 4 (same VRM). Taking a look at the below calculations, i am assuming that a negative sign was omitted the unconditional default probability formula.
  12. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T4. Valuation & Risk Models (OLD thread)

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , There seems to be some errors on page 32; Chapter 3 of the VRM note: The return is 2% i.e 0.02 not 20% (0.2) as used in the calculations; kindly review. Thanks. Update: Fixed in v1.3
  13. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T4. Valuation & Risk Models (OLD thread)

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , This was found on page 18, Chapter 1 of Topic 4- VRM study notes. It seem more like a typo to me and should instead be: ES\[ \alpha \](X) + ES\[ \alpha \](Y). Kindly reconfirm. Thanks.
  14. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Hypothesis about the difference between two population means.

    Many thanks David. All clear now. The point on referencing is also noted.
  15. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Hypothesis about the difference between two population means.

    Thanks @David Harper CFA FRM The explanation is quite clear. If \[ \sigma\;(diff) \] implies the difference between both standard deviations, the i guess it should be \[ \sqrt{4\;} \] - \[ \sqrt1 \] :confused:
  16. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Hypothesis about the difference between two population means.

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM I am having a hard time understanding the calculations here: My confusion lies in how 0.78 and 1.02 was gotten. Kindly assist. Edited by Nicole to note: This is referencing QA-6 (Chapter 6) study notes starting on page 28.
  17. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T2. Quantitative Methods (OLD thread)

    Hi David, Kindly correct/clarify...(from QA-6 study notes-page 16) "Because the null hypothesis is either true or false, and we make a binary decision, we can commit one of two errors. To mistakenly reject a true null hypothesis is to commit a Type I error. We denote this Prob [Type I error |...