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    Exam Feedback November 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I passed with 1,1,1,1,1,1. Thank you @David Harper CFA FRM. I owe you. I love your way of explanations of materials. I love your voice. I love your face. I love love...
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    Exam Feedback November 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    In my opinion exam was relevant to curriculum and evaluate knowledge of candidates very well.
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    OAS v/s Z spread

    Hi David, I got confused by the concept Z-spread and OAS. When a call option is added to a bond, since it is not favorable to the bond buyer, they would require more spread (which is the OAS) for this instrument in order to get more discount on the bond price. So to me, Z spread should be less...
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    CVA Questions

    Hi David, Could you please explain why in default, CVA converge to exposure of transaction, WHICH MAY BE ZERO? I will be so appreciate if you explain the figure in the attached file,too. thanks
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    FAQ Before Exam Where can I find previous GARP practice exams?

    hello David the link didn't work! it said: " Oops! We ran into some problems. You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action. "
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    FRM 2021

    Thank you Nicole. but someone sent this file to me.
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    FRM 2021

    Hi David and Nicole, I have a question. I want some clarity. I am going to sit for may 2021 exam(level 2). I want to know about the probable changes in materials. As we know, CFA exam's materials for 2021 is not going to be changed. Is it possible that GARP announce any changes in materials?
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    Exam Feedback November 2019 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    I am not from india. GARP's website is too old
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    Exam Feedback November 2019 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    I tried vpn of new zealand.nothing happend
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    YouTube T3-05: Basis risk is about an unexpected weakening or strengthening

    Hello David in video you explained Unexpected weakening (strengthening) of basis risk in the scenario of contango. could you help me to understand what will happen in the scenario of backwardation?
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    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products (OLD thread)

    Hello David There is a typo in video of exotic options European call option= long-asset-or-nothing call + short cash-or-nothing call European put option= long-cash-or-nothing put+ short asset-or-nothing put
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    Duration of a Floating Rate Note

    Hello David could you fix links of this post?
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    Girsanov's Theorem

    hello ShaktiRathore why? I want to know theorem's concept
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    Girsanov's Theorem

    Hello David Could you explain for me the concept of Girsanov's Theorem? thank you in advance Danesh
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    Structural Monte Carlo

    hello David the link doesn't work
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    YouTube T3-24: Quote versus cash price of US Treasury bill

    Hello Correct formula: y% = Q% / (1 - Q% * n/360) Wrong formula(in video): y% = Q% / (1 + Q% * n/360)
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    YouTube T3-13: Par yields are swap rates

    hello ami44 thank you very much for your clean explanation:)