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  1. T

    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Me. I just got it today.
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    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I'm in Europe and haven't received the certificate yet. I don't know what kind of snail mail it is.
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    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hehe. In my case, I just kept it out of my mind, so I didn’t have the feeling of desperate waiting :D
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    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Just got certified :) Be patient everyone! It should come soon.
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    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I think you are correct. According to the notes: In contrast, collateral posted against derivatives positions is, in most cases, under the control of the counterparty and may be liquidated immediately upon an ‘‘event of default’’. This is due to the laws governing derivatives contracts and the...
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    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I can't be sure about that but I'm certain I had a lot of wrong answers. From the questions people are discussing and those that I remember, I already counted 17 wrong ones and that's certainly not the final number. I was really shocked after the exam because its length and difficulty are sooo...
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    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    I will take November to keep the momentum :)
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    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T2. Quantitative Methods (OLD thread)

    Thank you for the response. I guess it's the problem with Adobe Acrobat Reader as I saw quite a few errors like that. I will try as you advised.
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    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T2. Quantitative Methods (OLD thread)

    R16.P1.T2 (page 36): the first sentence in the section "Explain tail dependence" is unreadable due to formatting error.
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    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T2. Quantitative Methods (OLD thread)

    There is a minor typo in R14.P1.T2 (page 11): it reads: "Large outliers and unlikely" whereas it should be "Large outliers are unlikely"