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  1. jacobweiss2305

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T2. Quantitative Methods (OLD thread)

    Hi All, I was wondering if you could provide clarification on one of the formulas on your Diebold study notes. On page 8, the it says SSR = MSE*T, and R^2 = 1 – SSR/TSS, R^2 = 1 – (MSE*T)/SSR  MSE = (1-R^2)*TSS*(1/T) Why is R^2 = 1 – (MSE*T)/SSR and not R^2 = 1 – (MSE*T)/TSS? Shouldn't the...
  2. jacobweiss2305

    Whatsapp FRM Part 1 November 2016 Group

    Me too please +1 239 240 5575