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  1. P

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    So that means for Part 2, we need to achieve 52.8/80=66.3% correct...that's no small feat
  2. P

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Is the correct sequence M, N, L? Memory could serve me wrong.
  3. P

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    There was a question for which one of the four answers was "if the bank does not raise deposit rate, the liquidity coverage ratio would be unchanged". Was that the correct answer?
  4. P

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    There was a question about hedge fund returns with a formula that looks like Pt - Pt-1 = 0.6781 -0.3722Pt-1 (don't remember the exact parameters)...which answer is correct?
  5. P

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    There's a question on the highest exposure for four option positions: 1) Long gold (counterparty: gold producer) 2) Short oil (counterparty: airline) 3) Long banks / financials (counterparty: SIFI) 4) Short soybeans (counterparty: soybeans farmer) Which one is correct?
  6. P

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    qualitative questions were indeed very hard...after the exam, I checked several I wasn't sure about against the official GARP books and, for the vast majority, I gave the wrong answer...
  7. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T9. Investment Management (OLD thread)

    Practice Questions: Andrew Ang, Chapter 6 Page: 9 Error: In the 2nd paragraph under "Answers:", line 2, should it be "per true choice B", instead of "per truce choice B"?
  8. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T9. Investment Management (OLD thread)

    @David / Nicole, Reading: Andrew Ang, Chapter 13 Page: 33 Error: In the 2nd bullet paragraph, line 1, should it be "liquidity also dried up", instead of "illiquidity also dried up"?
  9. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T9. Investment Management (OLD thread)

    @David / Nicole, Reading: Andrew Ang, Chapter 10 Page: 26 Error: In the paragraph immediately underneath Table 3, line 3, should it be "$0.34(1-0.66)", instead of "$0.37(1-0.66)"?
  10. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T9. Investment Management (OLD thread)

    David / Nicole, Reading: Andrew Ang, Chapter 6 Page: 11 Error: In the paragraph beginning with "2. Behavioral:", line 5, should it say "result from", instead of "result in"? To me, "barriers to the entry of capital" seems to be the cause, not effect, of "persistence of behavioral biases". Thanks.
  11. P

    Win prizes for forum participation!!

    Thank you so much, Nicole! Can I redeem it for $15 Amazon gift card?
  12. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Similarly, In Tuckman, Chapter 9, Page 54, should the penultimate equation in the "Rate change under Model 2" section be "dr = 1.0%*1/12 + 2.5%*0.80642*SQRT(1/12) = +0.6653%", instead of "dr = 4.0% + 1.0%*1/12 + 2.5%*0.80642*SQRT(1/12) = +0.6653%"?
  13. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Thank you, Nicole. Here's another: In Tuckman, Chapter 9, Page 53, should the penultimate equation on the page be "dr = 2.0%*-0.2533*SQRT(1/12) = -0.14627%", instead of "dr = 3.0% + 2.0%*-0.2533*SQRT(1/12) = -0.14627%"?
  14. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Thank you, Nicole and David, for your confirmation. It is always easier to hairsplit, but it was out of a sincere desire to help. I am sorry this has to come piecemeal, but the effort continues. In Tuckman, Chapter 8, Page 41, should the 3rd line of the paragraph starting "For example, we can...
  15. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Hi Nicole / David, In Tuckman, Chapter 8, Page 37, should the paragraph starting "Assume the current one-year spot rate is 10.0%..." end with"14%, 10% or 6%", instead of "14%, 12% or 6%"?
  16. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Hi Nicole / David, In Tuckman, Chapter 7, Page 26, should the last equation on the page end with "= - $4,216.87", instead of "=$4,216.87"?
  17. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Hi Nicole / David, In Tuckman, Chapter 7, Page 26, should the first equation under "Similarly, on date 2, the state 2, 1, and 0 payoffs are, respectively" end with "=$5,000", instead of "=-$5,000"?
  18. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Hi Nicole / David, In Tuckman, Chapter 7, Page 24, should the 2nd bullet point say $925.21 = $1,000/(1+5.25%/2)^3, instead of $925.81 = $1,000 / (1+5.25%/2)^3 ? Thanks
  19. P

    Important Please Read: Publishing Process for 2017

    Looking forward to David / Nicole's official reply. Just trying to ensure I am not reading any stale Part 2 study notes. Thank you!
  20. P

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Meissner, Chapter 1, P21, the formula below seems erroneous: The square root sign should stop right before the very last "+" sign. In other words, "+PxPy" should be placed outside the square root sign. Could either Nicole or David please confirm this?