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  1. B

    FRM After CFA?

    It really depends on many factors. How much of the quant/derivatives section of CFA do you remember? Do you have natural affinity for quants/derivatives etc? Given that you are a maths/stat major and you deal with futures in your day to day job, for Part 1 , I will say between 50 - 80 hrs should...
  2. B

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    I submitted mine the day we got the result....think it was 22nd of last month. I am sure yours will come soon.
  3. B

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    Officially certified!!! Just received my email.
  4. B

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    Passed Part 2! 3,1,1,1,1. Thanks David & Team.
  5. B

    FRM After CFA?

    I am a CFA charterholder. Your chances are good as you would have seen during your preparations, FRM part 1 is essentially a deeper dive into what you encountered in quant topics in CFA (some new topics but I am sure most would have been familiar to you). I think there are overlaps in the...
  6. B

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    Baffled as well but think in the end chose bank with smallest FX exposure. Could be argued it should bank with lowest duration assets
  7. B

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    I got this wrong probably due to laziness. Just couldn't be bothered to calculate it out. You could be right but I think question was about portfolio size and not individual VaR. To be honest I am beginning to forget the details of some of the questions.
  8. B

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    I think the answer is if cost of deposit increases to 3%.
  9. B

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    Since stdev is 10% each and they are uncorrelated. This implies portfolio stdev of 5.72% or thereabout. VaR = 100 = p * 5.72% * z. Solving for p = ~ 750. Since equally weighted divide by 3 ~ 248. Could be wrong but that was my solution.
  10. B

    Good Luck on the Exam Tomorrow!

  11. B

    Practice exam scores!

    Naturally comfort level with this things is very subjective - function of individual risk aversion? For Part 1 last year, my worst score was probably in the mid 80%. That gave me comfort that even if under exam condition I drop a bit, it should still be in the ball park of a pass and it was...
  12. B

    Practice exam scores!

    Thanks. I know from part 1 that GARP exams aren't as tough as BT's but this is my GARP Part 2 FRM practice exam score range! I guess Part 1 exam was easier given crossover knowledge from CFA but part 2...just haven't prepared as well. Forget many of the formulas and qualitative elements as soon...
  13. B

    Practice exam scores!

    I am scoring in the 60%/70% as well. I don't know which is more depressing, that I find it tougher than expected or that there are many in the same boat as me!
  14. B


    FRM is probably more relevant for you. CFA is very light on risk management and regulatory environment.