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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (May 2015) Exam Feedback

    I failed. Ugh (2,3,3,4,3). Looking towards November...
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    I'm a real estate credit analyst looking to network with those in the San Fran and NYC area...

    I'm a real estate credit analyst looking to network with those in the San Fran and NYC area. Please message me if interested.
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    Thanks! I actually just ended up getting them. Momentary freakout but I'm fine now :)

    Thanks! I actually just ended up getting them. Momentary freakout but I'm fine now :)
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    anyone know where I can find old GARP exams? Only 2015 is on their website.

    anyone know where I can find old GARP exams? Only 2015 is on their website.
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    IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Updated Materials for 2015

    @Nicole Manley: Any sense on how important Tuckman Chp 6 is? In one of the first pages you say "These are key formulas that you should know". Obviously with a week left there are other things I would prefer to study if the thought is that this may not come up on the exam. Thanks.
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    Bid/ask spread reflecting endogenous liquidity risks

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - I've seen you quote Dowd a few times (like above) regarding the bid-ask spread. I understand the concept but I've never seen it that the "bid" is the purchase price and the "ask" is the sale price. In every other literature I've read it's the opposite way. You'd sell...
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    FAQ Before Exam FRM exam and study summary

    Hi @ClaudiaM - I might not be the best person to answer this but I found BT to be more than sufficient for PT 1. I got some Kaplan study tests at the end to mix it up but I found them overly difficult and just trying to trick me as opposed to asking challenging questions. I did find the GARP...
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (November 2014) Exam Feedback

    Passed!! 2,1,3,2. Thanks to everyone at BT for their help. I could have never done it without you!
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    GARP Practice Exams

    @ShaktiRathore - Good to know! That's very helpful. I was just going to ask a similar question. The GARP questions have seemed very easy (especially in relation to the BT questions) so hopefully that's a good sign (fingers crossed!!) :cool:
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - Thank you!! That is extremely helpful and has helped calmed my nerves (at least a little). I continue to go through practice questions and exams all the while feeling that I'm prepared and know the material but, honestly, sometimes you worry :eek:. Guess I'll find...
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    To @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM (and anyone else that wants to jump in) - I've been studying primarily with BT but took a Kaplan practice test over the weekend. Their test threw in a lot of tricks so I made a number of silly mistakes. Do you feel that GARP had a lot of "tricks" in their exams or...
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    GARP FRM Exam questions

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - I apologize but one final point on all of this. You've alluded to this before but it seems GARP doesn't always do the best job at explaining their questions. In doing some of their available practice tests, I've either gotten the question wrong or gotten hung up...
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    GARP FRM Exam questions

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - Not to be a further pain on this point but the expectation is that all of the exams that you (as well as GARP) provide are to be finished in the time of approximately 2.4 minutes per question (25 questions per hour). Is that correct? I've gone through GARP's first...
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    GARP FRM Exam questions

    Thanks @Nicole Manley - Alex_1 seemed to be very helpful in laying things out... but, sadly, I'm taking Part 1. Good to know for next year (hopefully)! I apologize but is there anything comparable for us on lowly Part 1?! :D
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    GARP FRM Exam questions

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - first of all thank you for all of the help thus far. Your prompt, detailed answers are greatly appreciated. They’ve certainly helped me throughout this process. It’s now about 5+ weeks until the exams and I fluctuate between confidence and sheer panic. I have a solid...
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    Warrants Dilusion

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - With regards to this thread, how likely is a warrant question going to be on the exam? Thanks so much!!
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    GARCH equations

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - That's perfect! Thanks so much!
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    GARCH equations

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - Following up on @mohamedcia 's questions. Do you feel it's necessary to memorize the GARCH, EWMA, ARCH and / or the Forecasting Volatility Forward K days equation? I certainly realize there are some similarities but it would be one less thing to worry about if I...
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    FAQ Before Exam FRM exam and study summary

    @Naziera - Others may disagree but here are my thoughts. First of all, only you know how quickly you go through the material, what you know and what you don't. How comfortable are you with the remaining sections? Next, how well do you know the material you've already studied? One of the things...
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    Hi Nicole, I've been looking to ask questions or make comments in the blog but much of the time...

    Hi Nicole, I've been looking to ask questions or make comments in the blog but much of the time I'm told I have "insufficient privilege to reply here". Why is that? What other method should I then use to respond to a post or ask a question? Thanks!