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    Is the FRM curriculum hopelessly disjointed? (comparing FRM and CFA)

    Hi, agree with wojtek, to add, Philip Zorian's FRM handbook really explains things concisely and precisely. It also puts things into flow. Reading it last couple of days before the exam was extremely good revision.
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    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM I really like the way you explain things, thanks vm for your help again. With just a week left before the exam, I have some more unanswered questions which I can post here if you don't mind helping out.
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    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM I have got the answer to the 2nd question(it specifically states annual compounding) so pls ignore that now.
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    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM Hi, these are questions from the material of Edupristine (another trainer authorized by GARP). I was not satisfied with the explanations that they gave hence thought of asking you. I eliminated c and d from the options myself as they were incorrect for sure.
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    Hi Hoping for someone to clear some doubts for me please. Really appreciate it. 1> The spot price of corn on April 10 is 207 cents/bushels. The futures price of the September contract is 241.5 cents/bushels. If hedgers are net short, which of the following statements is most accurate...
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    P1.T4.28. Value at Risk (VaR)

    @vakshay Yes, we should consider the weightings. The vol would be : sqrt(130%^2*24%^2 + (-30%)^2*16%^2 + 2*130%*(-30%)*24%*16%*0.3)
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    P1.T3.404. Long/short the basis

    Hi @Nicole Manley I knew it and agree, was just hoping of some activity by the other non-paid members like me :). Hi @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM Thanks again for your comments.
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    P1.T3.404. Long/short the basis

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM in 404.3, doesn't the number of put options bought matter ? Because as per my understanding, 20 put options dont hedge entire 100000 bushels. If the question said entire holding is hedged, then I would definitely agree with you. Am I incorrect ? And 404.2, I...
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    P1.T3.404. Long/short the basis

    1.c 2.d Could someone pls be kind enough to answer the third one. I am doing this which is definitely wrong :( Final selling price = 9.90 + profit on puts per bushel = 9.90 + 20*100*(2.30-0.80)/100000 = 9.93
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    Enter our weekly multiple choice Trivia Contest and Win!!!! (Fixed Income Basics)

    Hi David I understand, thanks vm for the prompt response. Abhinav
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    Enter our weekly multiple choice Trivia Contest and Win!!!! (Fixed Income Basics)

    Hi Nicole Please let me know if I am right. 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.b I have another question if you don't mind, how much time should ideally be enough to answer the above questions. I took like 20-25 mins. Best Abhinav
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    Weekly Trivia Contest - Week of March 31st - Win Prizes!!! (VaR hodgepodge)

    Hi David I am a FRM L-1 May'14 candidate, have come across the BT website very recently and feel that you guys are doing a great job in helping people acquire sufficient knowledge to crack the exams. I am facing problem in interpreting Q5, basically I am not able to understand it at all, do...