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  1. B

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 2 FRM Exam Feedback

    Can anyone upload their work experience under My Programs ?
  2. B

    Quantitative Analysis : P1.T2.306 Calculate the mean and variance of sums of variable

    Good evening David, Regarding question P1.T2.306 , question 306.1, I have a problem to understand why we need to apply the formula Var(x+y) in order to calculate the variance. The model gives ri=a*F + square(1-a^2)*e. Why cannot we apply the formula for the var (ax+by) ? Many thanks in advance...
  3. B

    P1.T4.16 Tuckman :hedging given DV01 or effective duration

    Many thanks for your answer David, all very clear now.
  4. B

    P1.T4.16 Tuckman :hedging given DV01 or effective duration

    Hi David, In Tuckman's question set (question 16.3 page 58) : "at a rate of 4% a bond has a price of $107.93. If the rate drops by one bp to 3.99%, the bond price increases to $108. What is the estimate of the bond's effective duration ? To answer that question, I applied the effective...