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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    I got smthg like 0.92 or 0.94....
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    was there any final decision how to calculate the EWMA question where a cuple of daily returns were given?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    then it was clearly a calculation mistake as everything was given, AE was calculated for the expected loss....too bad
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    btw - seems like a lot of people are posting what they did, but I stll couldnt see a final answer for some of the questions...
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    average exposure was about 67k... I got an answer from the given options for expected loss. then used the formula for unexpected loss which is pretty straightforward and didnt get a proper answer... may be it was a calculation mistake. or was there something tricky that I missed?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    oh no....I have chosen option b) as I thought they converge.....
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    there was also a graph with spot and forward rates ...which one did you pick here?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    it was one qualitative question...answers included information about price movements, share number...the rest dotn remember
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    can someone please clarify on the futures / spot difference and which one did you choose?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    I was also not sure if fiduciary capacity or financials....will be very happy if it is the "fiduciary capacity"in the end
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    btw - the forward rate question had answers in EUR/USD ...some of you did convert although I dont see why this is needed here. the foreign currency from this perspective is the views?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    there was 1Q wrt to indentures..I picked 1st answer: acts in a fiduciary capacity. can anyone confirm?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    was that the the on with 25% standard deviation or with 30%...? if you remember...
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    The difference to the mean in the new confidence interval was 4 times less than the previous one. That's why I think also that no. of scenarios should be 200 * 8 = 1600 to reduce 4x. But I picked up 800.....
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    How did zou calculate the bond price where 3 bonds were given and the price of the 2nd was the one they asked for_
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    I also took 800, but now think that 1600 was the right answer... for the 2nd one - narrowed to 2, 0.25% with 1200 scenarios and 0.30% with 700 scenaros, dont know which one I picked in the end...
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    yes, VaR is not subadditive, but which answer was this? and futures & spot - answers included number of shares, price movements....dont remember exacty, but struggled with this one
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    oh, and two more....200 scenarions and 2 confidence intervals, how many scenarios? 2. standard deviations and scenarios were given, what is the most efficient estimator?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    There was a question regarding futures and spot differences, physical settlement, VaR assumptions made by the manager - options were jointly distributed variables, not correlated, i.i.d...dont remember the last options how did you answer these?
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    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    btw - does someone remember the market order question: it was something like price decline, 5 USD or above as a target and then decide which order. Which one did you pick???