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    P1.Valuation tuckman - learning spreadsheet

    Thats great David. Many thanks for all your help, Brian.
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    P1.Valuation tuckman - learning spreadsheet

    Hi David, I am looking at the Tuckman excel spreadsheets, and the example that addresses Duration and Semi-Annual Compounding. The calculation for the discount factor is kinda puzzling as it is given by 1/(1+Semi-Annual Yield)^n. Where n is 1 for six months, 2 for 12 months, etc.. till 20 for...
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    Interest Rate Swap with Maturity Mitchmatch

    Thats great David. Really appreciate it, Brian
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    Interest Rate Swap with Maturity Mitchmatch

    Hi David, In your sample questions for Hull Chapter 7, question number 175.2 A $50 million interest swap has a remaining life of 14 months. Under the swap, 6-month LIBOR is exchanged for 5.0% per annum with semi-annual compounding. Four months ago (t - 4/12 years) the 6-month LIBOR was 4.0%...
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    Sharpe and Jensen Foundations of Risk Management

    Hi David, Thanks a lot for your help in this matter. I really appreciate it. Best regards, Brian.
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    Sharpe and Jensen Foundations of Risk Management

    Hi David, Suzanne, If you have time, could you please explain to me why Amenc states that if a portfolio is well diversified, the correlation coefficient Ppm is very close to 1? Intuitively, I would have thought that it would approach zero, as the portfolio became more diversified. Appologies...