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  1. F

    Beta distributions

    David, I am going through credit models. Looking at creditMetrics. I am not sure I understand hoe this works. First they use a normal distribution, and then in step 3 they use a beta distribution. What are the parameters of the beta distribution. Not clear on the Beta
  2. F

    stulz ch 18

    I am having problems with the second full paragraph on page 576. It starts with Helwege and Turner. He says that the expected value of a firm increases with an increase in rates. I would think the opposite. Also a dumb question. He uses notation that I don't remember seeing before. I can't...
  3. F

    Hull Chapter 21

    David, I see that you are using John Hull Chapter 21 and GARP is using chapter 13 from a different hull book. Are they the same Frank
  4. F

    Loss Given Default Chapter 4 Servigney

    David, I cant find the screen cast for chapter 4 Frank
  5. F

    Jorion Ch 11

    David, I am reading chapter 11 and as I review the tabels I can not get the VAR numbers. Frank
  6. F

    Is Canabarro and Duffie in the core readings?

    FYI. I talked to GARP. It is listed in free readings along with several others that are not in the package
  7. F

    Is Canabarro and Duffie in the core readings?

    David I see it in the AIM but it is not in my core package. I will check with them tomorrow Frank
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    Spot- discount forward

    a screen cast on this would be great
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    Is Canabarro and Duffie in the core readings?

    David, I am printing the core readings and don't see this F
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    Spot- discount forward

    David I don't get the 2.72 YTM on the spread sheet Frank
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    HP vs TI

  12. F

    HP vs TI

    David, I have an HP and not a TI. The next time you show how to work somethig out can you show both? Frank
  13. F


    Hi David in 5.3 it was stated the the 4% was semiannual and it was converted to continous. In 5.3 it was stated as 1% per annum and not converted. when do you convert and when do you not, Frank
  14. F

    Question 4 Quant C

    Thank you David, I did download it and will work through it. It is a good guestion. It was helpful for me to print some of your slides also do I have the formulas to help Thanks
  15. F

    Question 4 Quant C

    David, I am having a hard time working with the spread sheets. I am trying to work through how you get your nunbers and when it I open a t distribution table the e grid spread sheet is gone. I can not download it. You can't move back and forth What am I doing wrong? I am spending more...
  16. F

    Sample Skewness and Kurtosis in Gujarati book page 72.

    David, It was 52 or 53. I did go to the spread sheet and could not do it. It would have been a nice short cut. I understand the notation now. Thank you frank
  17. F

    Sample Skewness and Kurtosis in Gujarati book page 72.

    David, In you screen cast you show Skewness as u^3/SD^3 and Kurtosis as u^4/SD^4. When I do it that way I don't get the same numbers as when I to it the long way ie (x-u)^3/SD^3
  18. F

    Hull 6th Edition

    David, I have Hull 4th Edition. Do you think I am taking a big risk bu not buying the newer one? Frank
  19. F

    Page 24 and 25 quant notes

    David How do we get form E((X-u)(Y-u)) for covarence on 24 to E (XY)-E(X)E(Y) on 25