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    FRM Level 2 , Nov 2012 : Post what you remember here

    I wish GARP would read this trail of feedbacks to see how confused we are about the answers. This is a evidence of how tricky the exam was...I hope at the end that everyone will pass!
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    FRM Level 2 , Nov 2012 : Post what you remember here

    You are absolutely right! but still the answer is debatable because neither ES or Standard deviation are totally right answers...
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    FRM Level 2 , Nov 2012 : Post what you remember here

    ES is not easy to is clearly mentioned in Schweser...I put Standard deviation instead! it's confusing...
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    FRM Level 2 , Nov 2012 : Post what you remember here

    I think you are right as you need to take the weights into consideration...
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    FRM Level 2 , Nov 2012 : Post what you remember here

    There were two questions, one about the Singaporean client with its USD revenues and the other about Nasdaq. Any thoughts?
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    Surplus ar risk

    Hi David, Slide 44 (2012.T8 b Investment), the shortfall should be (surplus + surplus growth) - SAR... You used surplus - SAR ($20-$18.1). Please verify and advise. Thanks Imad
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    Standardised approach to credit risk under Basel II

    Hi David, Thanks for your reply, however, Schweser book says: The standardized approach to estimating securitization exposures treats assets rated Baa3 or better similar to other credit riks. Riskier assets have higher risk weights applied, and if an asset has no external rating, then there is...
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    Standardised approach to credit risk under Basel II

    Hi David, If a bank retains the equity tranche of a securitization where the notional of the tranche is $10 mio and the tranche has a long term B- credit rating, what is the capital charge under the SA for securitization exposures? a- $400,000 b- $800,000 c- $1.2 mio d- $10 mio Your answer...
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    Credit Risk: General Questions, question 213.1

    Hi Chris, Can you please show me the question in full. Thanks
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    Expected shortfall

    Hi David, I respond to your above question: for 96% confidence level, we are in the "no default" zone, as such Var is zero and ES is also zero. We have a loss when the confidence level is 98% up to 99.9% because the bond will default by then, incurring a I right? Thanks Imad
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    Expected shortfall

    Hi David, A bond with a face value of $10.0 million has a one-year probability of default (PD) of 1.0% and an expected recovery rate of 35.0%. What is the bond's one-year 99.0% expected shortfall (ES; aka, CVaR)? a. $3.25 million b. $6.5 million c. $9.1 million d. Not enough information: need...
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    Fixed income mapping

    Thanks David, I am aware of the formula but I can understand that when we "principal map", we assume a zero coupon bond with the average of maturity, right? Also, can you please elaborate about the following formula: The Returns (%) VaR = 1% yield volatility * 1.645 deviate * 2.885 mod...
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    Fixed income mapping

    Hi David, Assume a flat yield curve with spot rate of 4.0% at all maturities and normally distributed yield volatility of 1.0%. We are mapping a two-bond portfolio. Both bonds have a $100 million face value and pay an ANNUAL 4% coupon. One bond has a one year maturity; the other has a five...
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    The failure mechanics of dealer banks

    Hi David, Hope you are well. Can you please explain below comment: "a counterparty may also request to receive cash from options positions that are in-the-money by having them revised to at-the-money". Thanks Imad
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    Margined counterpaty

    Hi David, I couldn't understand the difference between margined and non margined counterparties. I know that margined counterpaty is the one that uses a margined agreement. Am I right? Thanks Imad
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    Capital charge

    Hi David, How are you? Would you please elaborate more the notion of capital charge. I came across different definitions such as "the cost to a company of borrowing money", "a monetary amount, calculated by multiplying the money the business has tied up in capital, by the weighted average cost...
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    Undiversified VaR

    Thank you ShaktiRathore! Can we calculate undiversified VaR for short positions only?
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    Undiversified VaR

    Hi David, Chapter: Portfolio Risk: Analytical Methods It says that undiversified VaR is the sum of all VaRs of the individual positions in the portfolio when none of those positions are short positions. I couldn't understand the effect of "short positions" in the calculation of VaR...
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    UL and EL

    Hi David, Below is an example taken from Qbank. Can you please explain the outcome? Thanks Imad --------------------------------------------------------------------- Assume a portfolio consists of two loans of $1,000 with a correlation between loans of 0. Also, assume the only two outcomes for...
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    Recovery rate

    Hi David, Hope you are well. When we talk about recovery rate, we refer to the creditors (liability side of the bank) and not the debtors (asset side of the bank). I am a bit confused because I came accross an exemple where it mentions the recovery rate of the firm's traded bonds. This...