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  1. Y

    FRM Part One Study Group Ireland 2020

    Hi All, Resurrecting this old forum.. How's everone doing I hope 2021 would be good year for us. As you probably know for Dublin, they postponed the exam to next May and apparently they use PSI test centres. Anybody already signed up for the location and dates? As of now I don't see PSI in...
  2. Y

    FRM Part One Study Group Ireland 2020

    Hi All, If you're down we can create Whatsapp group to study level 1 FRM. I think it would beneficial to have study group. Please PM me your nubmer then I can create group in WA. Thank you.
  3. Y

    FRM Part One Study Group Ireland 2020

    Hi, I sign up for part I this May 2020 as well. PM me if you guys have study group. Thank you.
  4. Y

    FAQ Exam Break During FRM exam

    And what about break for eating snack or fresh air? Are they allowed?
  5. Y

    FAQ Exam Break During FRM exam

    Hi, I am going to take my first FRM exam next May. One thing I'd like to ask about FRM is how do we take break in the middle of 4 hour test? and how often could we take it? I couldn't find specific details on GARP Exam Policies. Thanks!