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    FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time

    no worries ...i am a " she/her " btw
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    FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time

    november 2020
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    FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time

    Hi Nicole ..Got my approval today ....both e mail and website update ....I could even go and update my settings preferences in GARP Directory as well...seeing my name there sure perked me up ......thanks a ton to you for taking this up with them...finally can sleep peacefully tonight
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    Work Verification Assistance

    Hi Nicole Do you have a magic wand or something....My work approval came through...just now 03 Feb 2021 Indian Time 13.51....Got both a website update and an email...yet to check the whole details yet but yes officially an FRM ...done and dusted...thanks a ton for your support sure your...
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    FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time

    Was my first thought too.....did even wonder if that meant in any way that no response is an almost approval but yet a delayed one at that submission date Nov 2020 status " under review " .......
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    Work Verification Assistance

    any update yet from GARP??
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    Work Verification Assistance

    Hi I have submitted my work experience on 12th Nov 2020 ......on the website Status updated by GARP as " Submission received and experience under review" on 30th November. No other email or update from GARP so far . I have mailed them on Jan 12, 2021 seeking a status update but nothing so...
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    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    OMG Me toooooo passed......22242
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    Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    My status too changed to "your enrollment will expire on november 2023" n also cant register for part 2.....may i hope