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  1. H

    2011 L1 Webinar

    Hi David, concerning L1 2011 Wevinar, i do not find spreadsheet you mentionned in first video. Could you inform me for the link ? Thanks Hervé
  2. H

    2011 Annoted Exam

    Hi David, I also appreciate annotated exam. Thanks, Hervé
  3. H


    Hi David, thanks for your reply. I need to see further. 1/Value a currency swap based on a sequence of FRAs (p17of 123). Another way to compute is to have a present value approach : - On USD side, compute PV of USD Cash flow - on JPY side, i) compute Future Value of JPY cash flow, ii)...
  4. H


    Hi David, in "Calculate the theoretical futures price for a Treasury bond futures contract" (Page 56 of 123), i do not understand what period cover the 35 days in this formula : "Quoted futures price = $125.095 – (6 * 148/(148+35))". Sould not be 148/365 ? I know that is is detail and that...
  5. H

    Foundations_ Chapter-3 : Stulz.pdf

    Hi David, no problem for the delay. Here is Xls Thank you. Hervé
  6. H

    Foundations_ Chapter-3 : Stulz.pdf

    Foundations_ Chapter-3 : Stulz.pdf Hi David, I am a confused concerning several concepts in this document: 1/ Q 44-1 : • Debt Equity Ratio at the beginning is without taking account of project and D/E ratio at end take into account project? • Value of D/E ratio at end of year is...
  7. H

    Markets and Products 3-c (bis)

    Hi David, "Convert discount rate to price for Tbill". Could we see the pb like that : i) Cash price=Face value-Future cash flow (not discounted). Future CF=Disc rate%*Face Value*nb days/360. Investor pay now a price that is face value minus cash flow that he will receive at maturity {...}...
  8. H

    FRM Market and Products 3-c

    Hi David, Thanks for the compliment. Coming from you it is very motivating. Frankly, it is a pleasure to discuss about these kind of (sometimes theorical) ideas with you. Regards Hervé
  9. H

    FRM Market and Products 3-c

    Hi David, thanks a lot again. That allow me to fix (and correct) lot of concepts. Another brick in my building block learning... Sorry have been provocative... Regards. Hervé
  10. H

    Foundations: Amenc, Chapter 4

    Hello David, sure, that help. I do agree with you : my explanations are far from clear. Thread you mentionned is very helpful (difference in treatment for “alpha” and “TE” is very instructive). Thannks a lot Hervé
  11. H

    Foundations: Amenc, Chapter 4

    Hello David, In pdf document you propose, for Q:32-4, I try to find a reasoning to reach at formula used (i.e. T=(t-stat/IR)^2). 1/If we set Alpha as random variable with mean 1% and Standard Deviation=10% (IR ?); and if we scale mean by nb of period (n) we obtain Mean(n)=1%*n and if we scale...
  12. H

    FRM Market and Products 3-c

    Hello David, Thanks a lot for your reply. If I try to summarize with my own words (to check understanding again): 1/ Fo=So*exp(Rf) b/c of cost of carry model. Could we say that ST=Fo b/c there is no uncertainty in that sense that we know Rf, So and that we do not introduce expected parameter...
  13. H

    FRM Market and Products 3-c

    Hello David, difference between future price and expected future spot price is that for the latter we do not take not acount systematic risk of the asset ? In this case, is relation for Fo=E(ST) exp(k) with k=Risk free+Beta*(Excess risk premium relative to market) ? If we talk about investment...