Structured email - What to expect ?


Active Member
Hello David,

I noticed that for Tier 2, you provide Video Tutorials and Structured Email .

Could you explain what will be the content of this "Structured Email" ?

Thanks a lot !


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi trabala38,

We thought it would be helpful, only for those customer who elect it, to receive a regular e-mail prompting a sequence through the material; i.e., key topic(s) this week; prototypical question .... coming soon, thanks, David


Active Member
Hi David,

I agree with you: it is helpful. Especially for those working and studying FRM at the same time. I think a lot of FRM candidates will appreciate to have a suggested "step by step" learning path, where they can make a continuous/weekly progress in the cursus.

Thanks !
