We hope that everyone did well on the FRM Part 1 exam on Saturday!
We would love to hear any feedback that you have about the exam. How did it go? Did you encounter unexpected questions? Thank you in advance for any feedback you can provide!

I thought Part 1 was easier than the BT prep.
Did anyone else have their ID's checked while they were taking the exam? I did not even look up. Not sure if it was room wide or just me. I'm 52 and I think there were only 20 people over 30 out of 500, and only one over 40, me. I was wondering if they thought I had snuck in to take it for my son.
I also remember it was call option not putI find it difficult compared to the garp mock exam. It took me 4h to do with 3 blind responses.
On the exam, I got the blue book cover (not the red one). Are the questions not the same because I remember B&S calculation was with call option but not put. I hope I did not make a mistake.
We had question about the ES Vs VaR + CURRENCY SWAP + INTEREST RATE SWAP + A question about the number of Simulations we need to find a result of monto Carlo Simulation + GARCH vs EWMA Model + GARCH (1.1) Find the daily variance + Delta of a short Call + Put and Call parity + ...Are we allowed to discuss questions of FRM exam? If so does anyone remember any questions?
We had question about the ES Vs VaR + CURRENCY SWAP + INTEREST RATE SWAP + A question about the number of Simulations we need to find a result of monto Carlo Simulation + GARCH vs EWMA Model + GARCH (1.1) Find the daily variance + Delta of a short Call + Put and Call parity + ...
I find it difficult compared to the garp mock exam. It took me 4h to do with 3 blind responses.
On the exam, I got the blue book cover (not the red one). Are the questions not the same because I remember B&S calculation was with call option but not put. I hope I did not make a mistake.