Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 1 Exam Feedback

Passed with 1,2,1,1.

I have to say I studied a lot, Studying at night or during weekends habe been a horrible experience.

It is difficult to measure it in hours. In my case, everything but risk governance concepts was new, and my cuantitative skills were poor. It had been 10 years since I used those kind of mathematics and statistics. I studied to the point of understanding almost everything, even if I had mistakes in some questions, the errors were not conceptual. Scored around 70% in BT test, sometimes lower, sometimes higher, 80-90% in Garps, 75% in swechers (2014)

Everything and only from BT.

I think I will take Part II on may 19 instead of November 18. I have not started yet and combining it with work is pretty difficult. I cannot study in august either, do you agree with my choice?

I am also heavily considering may 2019. No need to rush now
I am not 100 % sure if I will appear in Nov 18. But anyways,I have started, will give my best shot and will take a final call sometime around Early registration deadline. There are pros and cons. If somebody is not involved in anything time consuming, what is the harm in starting now ? Based on prep level,one may plan to go in for early or standard registration , which is one month and about 2 month away respectively.If somebody is preparing for CFA,esp L2 and L3,it will be better to give a shot to Nov,to ease your burden.On the other hand,registering and not being able to clear in Nov would entail some financial cost and probably sully your record .In any case, since I can't see any active whatsapp group for Nov 18. I plan to start one and also willing to join,if there is any existing one.People can provide their nos or suggest about existing group.
I am not 100 % sure if I will appear in Nov 18. But anyways,I have started, will give my best shot and will take a final call sometime around Early registration deadline. There are pros and cons. If somebody is not involved in anything time consuming, what is the harm in starting now ? Based on prep level,one may plan to go in for early or standard registration , which is one month and about 2 month away respectively.If somebody is preparing for CFA,esp L2 and L3,it will be better to give a shot to Nov,to ease your burden.On the other hand,registering and not being able to clear in Nov would entail some financial cost and probably sully your record .In any case, since I can't see any active whatsapp group for Nov 18. I plan to start one and also willing to join,if there is any existing one.People can provide their nos or suggest about existing group.

I'm working. I also started preparing for L1 last year July. Took it slow.
I passed to.
Thank you David Harper & Team, great job. I will definitely use your material for part II and recommend BT to other candidates!
Thanks a ton, David and the team. Used only official papers and BT for preps, worked full time, started L1 preps in Jan and passed with 1111. Unbelievable
Definitely will use BT for LII. The only question is - Nov or May
Thanks a ton, David and the team. Used only official papers and BT for preps, worked full time, started L1 preps in Jan and passed with 1111. Unbelievable
Definitely will use BT for LII. The only question is - Nov or May
I will take November to keep the momentum :)
The only question is - Nov or May

I'd suggest November - after all the study material is out and questions will be added. Especially for part II the curriculum changes quite a lot from year to year - so if you plan for May 19 you might have some notes only in March/April and little questions. For November you got like all the material out now and you can start slowly.
Passed with 1,2,1,1. First attempt.

I have to say I studied a lot, Studying at night or during weekends habe been a horrible experience.

It is difficult to measure it in hours. In my case, everything but risk governance concepts was new, and my cuantitative skills were poor. It had been 10 years since I used those kind of mathematics and statistics. I studied to the point of understanding almost everything, even if I had mistakes in some questions, the errors were not conceptual. Scored around 70% in BT test, sometimes lower, sometimes higher, 80-90% in Garps, 75% in swechers (2014)

Everything and only from BT.

I think I will take Part II on may 19 instead of November 18. I have not started yet and combining it with work is pretty difficult. I cannot study in august either, do you agree with my choice?
I am also thinking about good timing for LII. Agree, studying with full time job and family duties is really really difficult. I am going to buy access to LII on BT today, check all topics till the end of July and decide then
Passed 1,1,1,1!

65-35 on writing Level II in November. Although a part of me doesn’t want to repeat the first half of the year and instead travel somewhere, it probably makes sense to knock it off while Level I stuff is still in my mind.
1,2,1,1 Passed ! I found the exam different form the practice exams, in particular the exam covered a lot of topics while them were more focused on some specific parts.
However the material was comprehensive and all the question were on topics treated on it.
Thank you to all the BT team for the hard work!
I just cleared part II and I can say that having studied very hard for part I really paid off. Many of the concepts will reappear and be used in part 2 (like VaR, statistics, options, etc etc.), so having them fresh in the memory really helped. Therefore to those that are considering to go for May 2019, I would advice not to delay it more than that.
Good luck to all ;)