Help needed for Jorion Ch-11-Risk mapping and BIS#19 messages from academic literature

Hi all,

I have recently started preparing for L2. Please request some one to help me out on captioned topics..
Problem is that I'm sort of clueless on these topics, as the matter in them is pretty dense and would like you to please hep with the best strategy to tackle these topics.
Let me know what type of questions appear from them and what are the important topics in these chapters.


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @NohalfMeasures,

The links that ShaktiRathore provided above are very helpful in regard to study strategies. Also, you may want to visit some of our Part 2 feedback threads. Just type the work feedback into the search box, and it will bring up any past feedback threads. Many of our members have shared their thoughts on the Part 2 exam, along with helpful outlines of the content that was on the exam. Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure which learning objectives will and will not be tested on the exam, so we always recommend learning all of the concepts that GARP has outlined in the current curriculum for 2016.
