Celebrating our 10th week of giveaways! Did you win? Check here for the week ending September 7th

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Thank you to each and everyone of you whom have been participating in the weekly giveaways. We've just closed in on our 10th weeks of successful giveaways. To show our appreciation, we've decided to announce 3 winners from last week!

As you know, David writes fresh, original practice questions pretty much every workday. You have the chance each week to participate. All you need to do is earn a participation gold star. At the end of the week, we will randomly select the two winners from the members who earned gold stars. If you earn two gold stars, you have two chances. If you earn three stars, you have three chances, etc.

Complete details are here.

Week 10 consisted of FRM Fun 20. David & I created a xls spreadsheet with a randomizer to help us randomly select the weekly winners.

Week 10 winners are highlighted in yellow on the xls below:

Winner 1:


Winner 2:


Winner 3:


Congratulations mathless, RiskNoob & paiva85!

Please message me via the forum (or you can let me know here if you wish to accumulate) with your prize selection.

Prizes to be awarded are $15 Amazon, $15 Itunes gift cards or $15 credit towards bionicturtle.com products (frequent participants may want to let their winnings accumulate and redeem at will).


Active Member
Great! Thank you for the prize.:)

My choice is credit towards BT products and I would like to accumulate it (with zero risk-free rate) for future redemption.


Ashwin FRM

New Member
Ha, pretty lucky. One post and One gold star and One Win. That is a grand slam, not bad. Appreciate it. Please let it accumulate. Thanks!!

Btw, link above does not navigate to the posting because it is an image.