Can't find Fabozzi video in Study Planner


New Member
Hello David/Suzanne,

I cannot find Fabozzi videos in the study planner. Also there are only Tuckman ch. 7,8 and Hull 19 and 25 videos available. I remember seeing Veronesi, Dowd and Fabozzi videos earlier on. Can you please help me with this issue? Am I missing something or is it because you are updating these videos?


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Yes, we did remove the older videos. We are recording and publishing fresh videos to fit the style of our new and upcoming planner.

Please see our calendar here ( which will tell you when we are projected to record and publish contents.

Tuckman 9 & 10 will be this Friday.
Jorion & Veronesi will be August 9th.
Dowd 3 & 7 will be August 16th.
Fabozzi will be August 23rd.

I hope that helps!


New Member
Thanks Suzanne. I guess it would have been better if the older videos were kept in the planner until the new ones were published. In that way i can study from those in the meanwhile.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Thank you for your feedback. As soon as we start publishing a topic, I remove all of the other videos within that topic to minimize confusion. All of the videos within a topic are recorded back to back (Part 1 on Thursday and Part 2 on Friday), therefore there shouldn't be anymore than maybe two or so weeks of waiting for the topic to be finished.

The older videos were recorded in a set of combined readings and in some cases, some of those reasons are no longer in use within 2013.