Answers to FRM textbook questions

jimmy punjab

New Member
Hi All,

I am a new member preparing for FRM 1. I am trying to come to grips with the overwhelming syllabus. I have questions- where can I find answers to the questions in the FRM textbooks. Maybe the question is basic but I have not been able to find where to go. Will appreciate responses. Thanks to all!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Jimmy,

As the readings are chapters from textbooks, the end-of-chapter answers are either in a (i) solutions manual, (ii) instructor's manual, or (iii) in some cases, may not exist (e.g., I am not aware of official answers to Jorion's VaR).

I do not think that such textbook Q&A are a highly prevalent resource for most candidates. Most would tend to rely on FRM handbook Q&A, prior and current GARP sample Q&A or course provider Q&A sets (e.g., like we provide at BT). For example, the new Elton Chapters on CAPM, while of course they are highly effective at reinforcing the chapter content, aren't in the FRM format and are more theoretical than FRM questions, so relying on them (IMO) isn't necessarily "efficient." However, if you rely on no other Q&A database, then you probably should work them.

Suzanne has almost secured our access to instructor's manuals for the Pearson, but it will take us time (beyond this Nov) to manifest those resources for customers.

So, it's partly why we are here: Our primary value add to customers is maybe that we've written a deep set (years in the construction and daily improved) of entirely original questions (although we've selected and included/appended many questions from the assigned chapters; the ones we think are most useful, especially Hull's), based in the content, but linked to the AIMs. I hope that helps, thanks,