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  1. P

    Course Errors Found in 2021/2022 Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk

    @Nicole Seaman - Am looking at pdf notes of Bruce Tuckman, Fixed Income Securities. The blank page is under Tuckman, chapter 7. (page 22 of the pdf) Also in the same chapter - Define risk-neutral pricing and explain its use in option pricing, in para one it mentions the example of coin toss...
  2. P

    Market Risk - Chapter 6, page 121, 10-day VaR

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM , I Am trying to understand once in every four years statement. Isn't 1% * 250 = 2.5days when this VAR will get exceeded in a year and for 4 years means in a total of 10 days. What am I missing here?