Hi folks,
For question 203.1 and 203.2, I noticed we are taking (100÷ the longer year bond PV) to get the zero rate. Example for 203.1, it is 100÷96.58 . Why shouldn't we use the PV of the 3yr Treasury Bond divided by the PV of 5yr Treasury Bond?
I have found this link to compute duration http://www.bionicturtle.com/how-to/article/texas_instruments_ba_ii_plus_ti_ba_ii_essential_functions_for_the_frm/ using Texas BA II Plus. How do we determine the amount of basis shock if we were to solve question 25.1 of Tuckman's Fixed Income Market...
About standard deviation, on question 209.1, the answer is C. The standard error is derived by (0.15x 0.85÷60)^0.5. Is this an alternative method to calculate standard error besides S÷√60? is 0.15x0.85 the standard deviation?
On question 210.2, I'm still confused why the answer is c instead...
Thanks Dave,
Another question. 17.21, it states forward contract delta = EXP(-qT). Why does forward contract not cumulatively compounded by riskfree rate r?
I'm still a bit confused by the answer for 13.08(a). How can we derive N(0.008) as N(d2)? Also 13.08C?
And the difference between absolute and relative VaR (13.08d and 13.08e)?
Can anyone give a detailed concept of Binomial, Black Scholes Merton, Geometric Brownian Motion, Monte CArlo for Valuation? Which is applicable in which circumstances?
I'm taking Level 1 this year so I'm not sure if all will be tested and I'm pretty confused by them.
My understanding...
I'm looking at question 13.07C. The answer says "price distribution is lognormal (log returns are normal) which is positively skewed: the mean greater than the median". Shouldn't it be negatively skewed?
Do we just need to focus on these topic areas?
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