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  1. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    the GARP website does not work totaly now :mad::mad: how can we know our reult. is this happining with u friend? u can go to website and know the result before u reach the email
  2. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    :mad: the website of GARP Unable to connect, do have same?
  3. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    thanks a lot man u r great lets wait then :) usually u can know the result from GARP website before sending the email
  4. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    guys please some good friend call USA office to tell us the truth..............the result did not upload untill now....some friend in the forum said that he called london and told him that the results will be after 1 hour :(
  5. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    after huge effort i reached the result page and the result didnot uploading untill now same message FRM Exam Result Analysis We did not find your details in our Analysis Database. Should you require assistance please contact [email protected]. If you wish to try again please click here.
  6. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    please some one call US office and tell us?
  7. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    we are kidding and taking the matter as fun, I hope that be the case after the appearance of results, for sure some of us will be upset and some very happy. the site doenot open quickly needs some minutes to open the page
  8. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    thanks man hope this mean they fixed the missundertanding
  9. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    guys the GARP website does not open, what is the matter?
  10. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    please some one call, really i have no credit for now to call, call and tell us!
  11. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    really it down....we made GARP website down :D ....or they uploading the resulyts:rolleyes:
  12. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    I've tried to register again, and i choose the 4th option (just register for part 2), the system has allowed me to continue the registration process for the part 2 to the end, I think that's a good indication that I passed the part 1:) or there is a significant technical problem in the...
  13. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    it will be a disaster if the results were postponed to 4 Jan, i hope it was typo, some one call London again? please.
  14. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    message for David we need some help What is going on?Is it possible that the results will not be today? How can they tell us that the result today and say to the London office that the result in 4 Jan? we need an answer?
  15. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    i think the work day there begin at 8 am, so we should to wait guys
  16. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    not u i think ur result
  17. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    the only solution to our problem is to call USA GARP office, i have no credit to call but some one do this and tell us.
  18. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    You are talking logically, I hope that your expectations will be true
  19. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    we have nothing to do because we need some official confirmation, Jan 2 or Jan 4 ? this is bad from GARP.
  20. N

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    i remeber the last exam result was released in Jan 4 so i was surprise when they announced for Jan 2, but the matter now is very complecated guys:(