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  1. chiyui

    Employment verification question

    You guys didn't ask about this issue, so I just didn't mention it intentionally either. Of course you can use the FRM title after you confirm you've been certified. You can check whether you've been certified or not just by login your GARP a/c and click your "member profile" page. The left...
  2. chiyui

    Employment verification question

    Look at this website: The nearest cert mailing date is September 30, 2013. So you gotta expect your verification result won't be announced until the end of September. It's ordinary.
  3. chiyui

    Basis Risk Strengthening & Weakening in Notes

    OIC.......unexpected basis. Thanks for David's information :)
  4. chiyui

    parameters in garch(1,1)

    Yeah you can use solver to do that but it's not that easy, i think. You maximize f(alpha, beta, omega). This is the core of MLE as David mentioned about. But the problem is how to maximize it. Usually, you can do this by calculus. You can treat it as a function, take the partial derivatives...
  5. chiyui

    Career Guide

    I don't know what do you mean by "good" but I'll give my comments although I'm not an actuary (but interested in being one). FRM is far easier than many actuary exams in the world (e.g. ASA/FSA of the Society of Actuary in the US). So if you're an actuarial student, FRM might be a little bit...
  6. chiyui

    2013 FRM Part 2 May Exam Feedback

    #3 post is awesome. Very useful information by any means.
  7. chiyui


    If you can't receive the email, you can also login your GARP account, click FRM exam, and there should be a button of checking your exam result. A detailed result report will pop up. And actually this is the result report that your supposed-to-receive email directs you to.
  8. chiyui

    FRM Part II

    BTW, I didn't spend most of the time in probability/statistics and such kind of quantitative stuffs becoz I've been familiar with these subjects for a long time. I've spent nearly 3 years in passing the Hong Kong Statistical Society exams (equivalent to the Royal Statistical Society exams in...
  9. chiyui

    FRM Part II

    I took the exam for both parts in one take. For textbook, I only used 2011 FRM Handbook Plus Test Bank written by Philippe Jorion. It contains 30 chapters, around 800 pages. For exercises, I used this handbook, plus some exercise books published by Kaplan Schweser, plus some questions I...
  10. chiyui

    Employment verification question

    In my experience, I submitted it at the beginning of Mar/2013, and received the approval on around 22/Mar/2013. GARP takes a regular interval of mailing the certs out. In my case, they began the mailing on 15/Apr/2013. So I think they will hurry up approving candidates' working experience...
  11. chiyui

    May 2013 Exam - GARP Books

    I also want to buy, as I'm not confident with my knowledge in credit risk management. Anyone can sell a GARP book about credit risk management in FRM part 2 to me? Either hardcopy or digital is okay for me.
  12. chiyui

    Basis Risk Strengthening & Weakening in Notes

    Actually, I don't like to say that basis is strengthening (or weaking) in terms of sign nor in terms of direction of movement, but in terms of magnitude. The sign and the direction does not matter, only the magnitude matters. And this is what I really see in most textbooks or in the internet...
  13. chiyui

    Basis Risk Strengthening & Weakening in Notes

    People tend to say the term "strengthening" or "weakening" in terms of sign, not in terms of movement. In your case, -0.1 going to -0.05 means that the basis is still negative. So people call it a weakening. However, -0.1 going to +0.05 means that the basis changes to positive. So people call it...
  14. chiyui

    Semiannual coupon and annual coupon

    David and Shakti have explained the issue in detail, so I'll just add a simple comment for you to easily memorize the answer. In nearly almost every cases, interest rates (as well as other percentage rates) are quoted yearly, just like what David said it is per annum. This is the habit in the...
  15. chiyui

    Monte Carlo VaR

    I haven't seen (or I forgot, haha shrug) a term of "Marginal VaR" before. Where did you see this term? And where did you see the formula of Marginal VaR = (Portfolio VaR/Portfolio Value)*Beta? How does it come out? And which Jorion's book are you referring to?
  16. chiyui

    Percentage of Correct Answers to pass

    No that's not your fault. We're just based our speculation about what GARP will do only on what we could see from the superficial evidences... You really give a valuable comment on what attitude should we take on the FRM exam scoring scheme. It's very appreciating. That's why I also think the...
  17. chiyui

    Percentage of Correct Answers to pass

    So why doesn't GARP keep the exam difficulty level at a more stable state by means of a more careful evaluation of the multiple-choice questions, instead of lowering the threshold in order to push the passing rate to their desired level? Now that it seems like, they don't care whether the...
  18. chiyui

    Percentage of Correct Answers to pass

    OIC, so may I know more about the meaning of this? Thanks a lot about your comments David.
  19. chiyui

    Day Convention

    I think yes, because it's common sense to know there're 31 days in August, and there're 29 days in February every 4 years from 2000 on. It's not a problem of finance, but a problem of how one understands something as ordinary as the calender......
  20. chiyui

    Day Convention

    I think not, you must count the actual number of days straightly. BTW, 2004 is a leap year. So from Jan/2004 to Jul/2004 should be 182 days instead of 181 days. About the question, it said the interests are paid every 07/Jan and 07/Jul. And it asked the interest between 07/Jul/2004 and...