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    2014 Part 1 Published Materials

    Hi David Seems some issue in the username passwords for accessing the material. Have passwords been reset? Have the new topics in 2014 for book 3 and book 4 been published ? Kind regards Anurag
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    2014 Part 1 Published Materials

    Hi David Under the topic 3 financial markets and products, have all 3 new topic, namely chapter 1,2,7 have been published? Regards Anurag
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    2014 FRM Publishing Calendar

    David For the Quant (Book II), should I be refferring to question from Guajarti, knowing that now you are referring to Stock and Watson more. Anurag
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    2014 FRM Publishing Calendar

    Nicole thanks for the prompt response. Anurag
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    Quant: Hypotessis Testing

    Hi Black Swan.. thanks for this....
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    2014 FRM Publishing Calendar

    Hi David Is the EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) part of this year curriculum? Anurag
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    Quant: Hypotessis Testing

    Hi David I usually get confused as to when to use a 1 tail test or a two tail test while checking the critical value. Also many a times I get confused between when to use which test. Could you please help me out on this. Is there a easy way to determine which test to use when and which tail...
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    2014 FRM Publishing Calendar

    Hi Nicole/David, I was going through the Study Planner and found that in Part 1, Book 1 topic Elton & Gruber, Chapters 5, 13 & 14, you have asked questions related to portfolio variance and return... i.e P1.T1.57. Portfolio return and volatility. I believe that they have been removed this year...
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    2014 FRM Publishing Calendar

    David and Nicole Thanks for such a quick answer..surely helps. Also the spreadsheet is helpful.. I assume the red color means that it those topics are no longer there and blue means that those topics are newly added..... however I only see Part 1 - Topic 1 being there. Am I missing the info on...
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    2014 FRM Publishing Calendar

    Hi David I would be giving the FRM Part I in May. I am an MBA with Finance background. Needed your advise on a couple of things. 1. Is 3 months enough time for part 1? 2. I have ready access to 2012 FRM Part 1 notes. Can I get a comparison as to what all has changed between 2013 FRM part 1...