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    Frm 1 Foundation Video Part 1, Topic 1

    Hi ahansen, As I have an iPad, I am interested in downloading the video files directly from the browser. And ideally, to save them directly so I can access them via the built-in "Videos" application. I downloaded the Atomic Lite browser, however when trying to download a video file from Bionic...
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    Poor quality m4v videos

    Hi David, I confirm what Anar_London states: 2011 M4V videos are a little blur when playing them with an iPad. Would be very nice if the new 2012 M4V videos fit perfectly the iPad screen ! Regards, trabala38
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    First impressions: 2012 FRM Part 2 (L2) reading list

    Hey David, I just noticed that I got access to the online version "View Online" for Hull's reading. However, the Locklizard protected files are still not working. Regards, trabala38
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    First impressions: 2012 FRM Part 2 (L2) reading list

    Hey, I confirm : just tried (as we are Jan 23rd), the Hull readings, and it is still not accessible. trabala38
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    First impressions: 2012 FRM Part 2 (L2) reading list

    Hi David, Do you have access to Hull Chapter 19 and 25 ("Volatility Smile" and "Exotic Options"). I tried the protected Locklizard file (got the error message mentioned above) and also "View Online" which gives me a blank screen... I already sent an email to GARP for this, but they replied we...
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    Structured email - What to expect ?

    Hi David, I agree with you: it is helpful. Especially for those working and studying FRM at the same time. I think a lot of FRM candidates will appreciate to have a suggested "step by step" learning path, where they can make a continuous/weekly progress in the cursus. Thanks ! trabala38
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    Structured email - What to expect ?

    Hello David, I noticed that for Tier 2, you provide Video Tutorials and Structured Email . Could you explain what will be the content of this "Structured Email" ? Thanks a lot ! trabala38
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    First impressions: 2012 FRM Part 2 (L2) reading list

    Hi David, On my side, I purchased the P2 Core Readings from GARP (electronic version) and I still haven't access to all readings. I got access to 35 readings only (out of a total of 47 I think). When trying to open the protected Locklizard file, I got this error message for readings (i.e. for...
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    New Product Price Scheme & Discount Code

    Hello Suzanne, Thanks for your reply. Just to be sure : are the discounts (returning customer/full-time student/competitive purchase/international purchase) cumulative or is it capped to $50 off for Part I / Part II purchase ? Just want to confirm since you wrote "They are able to be...
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    FRM Exam Preparation Handbook

    Hello everyone, GARP has released a new handbook for the preparation of both Part I or Part II exam. 2 keys concepts : 1) GARP suggests a reading plan which divides the learning cursus into 20 sessions; 2) Each reading session groups content based on complementarity (or logical grouping), and...
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    New Product Price Scheme & Discount Code

    Hello David, Suzanne, I just saw you changed the pricing scheme for your product : - Tier 1 (P1 or P2) = $249 - Tier 2 (P1 or P2) = $349 - Tier 3 (P1 or P2) = $449 Since I think the videos are valuable, I would like to either purchase the Tier 2 or Tier 3 for FRM Part II. But frankly, I...
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    FRM 2011 results

    Hello everyone, I passed Level 1 ! 1st quartile in each category. I am quite happy. I have to say : BT really prepares for the exam with its practice questions. I think the practice questions really go deep into each topic/reading, which, I believe, is the key success factor for FRM exam...
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    First impressions: 2012 FRM Part 1 (L1) reading list

    David, I think both: - Grinold Chapter 7, APT and - Anthony Saunders and Marcia Millon Cornett, Financial Institutions Management: Sovereign Risk were already not part of FRM Level 1 2011. trabala38
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    Detailed comparison of Readings+AIMS 2011 vs 2012

    Hello everyone, GARP has released its 2012 Study Guide. Part I is almost exactly the same. The only changes are: - Stulz Chapter 2: "Investors and Risk Management" has been removed; - Gray, Merton, Bodie: "Contingent Claims Approach to Measuring and Managing Sovereign Credit" has been...
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    Detailed comparison of Readings+AIMS 2011 vs 2012

    Hello David, Very handy ! Exactly what I was looking the comparison of readings ! Just a question, you stated taht you do "AIM-by-AIM", but your Excel file is more "reading by reading" analysis, did you inadvertedly swaps the two different words ? Also, when reading that...
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    Detailed comparison of Readings+AIMS 2011 vs 2012

    Hello David, Since GARP will release the details of readings + AIMS for 2012 FRM exams on 1st, Dec 2011, I wanted to know if you plan to make a detailed comparaison of the content of both exams (2011 vs 2012) ? I think it is very useful for the following reasons: 1) You can gain time by using...
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    FRM Part 1 : Exam Done in Dubai 2011

    Hello everyone ! I also took Part 1 this Saturday : It is quite funny to see that other people faced exactly the same problems... Makes me feel a bit more confident ! Well, regarding my feedback: - I think BT/David prepares extremely well for all questions with computations - I got the...
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    Stulz Chapter 3 - Distance to Default

    Thanks for your answer David... It makes this clear... Still got a question (last one for this topic, I promise) : Imagine we have to estimate the probability that the stock price X will fall below a certain level, let's say, $10. The distribution is normal with a mean of $120, and standard...
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    Stulz Chapter 3 - Distance to Default

    Hello David, Indeed, Stulz assume normal prices in his textbook. It is a point that I had overlooked. Regarding the information on how to compute the normal deviate, Stulz (Chapter 3; Risk Management and Derivates, p57-58) gives only this information: "To get the present value of bankruptcy...